Tuesday 22 July 2008

Guernica (by carlos and jaime)

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881, and died in France (Moulins) in 1973. He was an Spanish artist, son of Jose Ruiz Blasco that was an artist too, in 1895 he moved with his family to Barcelona, where Pablo met a literarians artist group.
Between 1901 and 1904 Picasso lived in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, his painting get into the movement denominated blue period, which has a very strong influence of symbolism. In the spring of 1904, Picasso decided to move definitely to Paris. In 1935 he had a daughter called Maya with his lover Marie-Therese because she was married with Olga Koklova, and in 1936 the two women decided to share him with a third woman called Dora Maar.
The beginning of the Spanish civil war made him to have an stronger politician conscience, and because of that he painted one of the most famous paintings in the world called Gernika.
The Gernika is based in the bombs that were thrown in the gernika town which is located in Pais Vasco (Spain). There are a lot of pictures in the gernika but Picasso didn’t want to explain them. First an impetuous wind that blows from right to left push the character from right to left in the picture. A woman hunted in fire, and putting his hands up frightened. Two more girls jumping into the middle of the tragedy, pushed by a destiny of madness. A horse, whose body has been made by a collage, and stabbed by a lance and she is shouting. Above there are a lamp that shows the disaster of the progress in that time. In the floor there is a man that hold in his hands a broken sword and a flower. The impassibility of the bull show us a figure always treated as a murdered but also like a victim. And finally a woman in the floor with a child. The child symbolism show us the future died in her hands.

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