Friday 25 July 2008

The best thing that has happened to me..

My last post is for say goodbye to queenswood, i have to say that i have a very good time here, that i met a lot of people that i will never forget. But over all those things i want to say thay here i have met a very special girl called maria, and i only want to say that...


Thursday 24 July 2008

My superhero. "El CJRISTIAN"

This man on the left is my super hero. His name is "EL CJRISTIAN" and he is a "macarra". But he is not a normal macarra, because the "macarras" of all the world try to steal and hit the other children, but this "macarra" is different since he was a little child. He has superpowers to fly and throw explosive joints to the bad "macarras". His cap has the ability to hear all the children that need help because a macarra is bullying him. His hearing ability depends on how much his cap is pointing to the sky. The cross that he wears across his chest gives off electric rays. Then the bat he has in his left hand has incredible strength. The chain in his right hand can kill a man in a second.

His supermission is to save and look after all the poor children that are frightened of the bad "macarras".

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Guernica (by carlos and jaime)

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881, and died in France (Moulins) in 1973. He was an Spanish artist, son of Jose Ruiz Blasco that was an artist too, in 1895 he moved with his family to Barcelona, where Pablo met a literarians artist group.
Between 1901 and 1904 Picasso lived in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, his painting get into the movement denominated blue period, which has a very strong influence of symbolism. In the spring of 1904, Picasso decided to move definitely to Paris. In 1935 he had a daughter called Maya with his lover Marie-Therese because she was married with Olga Koklova, and in 1936 the two women decided to share him with a third woman called Dora Maar.
The beginning of the Spanish civil war made him to have an stronger politician conscience, and because of that he painted one of the most famous paintings in the world called Gernika.
The Gernika is based in the bombs that were thrown in the gernika town which is located in Pais Vasco (Spain). There are a lot of pictures in the gernika but Picasso didn’t want to explain them. First an impetuous wind that blows from right to left push the character from right to left in the picture. A woman hunted in fire, and putting his hands up frightened. Two more girls jumping into the middle of the tragedy, pushed by a destiny of madness. A horse, whose body has been made by a collage, and stabbed by a lance and she is shouting. Above there are a lamp that shows the disaster of the progress in that time. In the floor there is a man that hold in his hands a broken sword and a flower. The impassibility of the bull show us a figure always treated as a murdered but also like a victim. And finally a woman in the floor with a child. The child symbolism show us the future died in her hands.

Monday 21 July 2008

London again!!

Hello people!!
The last saturday i went to London again but this time it wasn't a cultural excursion, and
instead of that we went to see Madame Tussauds museum, and they gave us an hour to go shopping.

Madame Tussaud was very good because, in spite of i had been 3 more times there, but i went with new people and i had as fun time.
Then in the shopping time i only could buy a quiksilver jumper because we didnt have enough time to buy other things, because i dont know where the shops were in London, so when i went to Abercrombie and Fitch shop there was a very large queue and it was very late so i wentback to the bus.

That was my saturdays day.

Thursday 17 July 2008

Return to London

Hello to everyone! Im here to speak you about the excursion
that i had yesterday!
First of all we took the bus to arrive to London, there i fell asleep very early because i was very tired and my music is very relaxing, so i slept very well!
When we arrived in London we had a tour, which was about a famous plague that ocurred in London in 1665, a fire in London that started in a bakery in 1666, and a ship called HMS Belfast.
I think that the tour wasn't so boring than it could be because of the guide. She was so funny because she was spitting all the time and we laughed very much.

Then the tour arround the ship was interesting because some of the things on display looked very real, but on the other hand some didn't.

Finally we got back to the bus and i slept again.

Monday 14 July 2008

A normal weekend!

Hi readers! Im going to speak you about my last weekend. First of all on friday we had lessons like everydays, in the lessons i was a little bored but some of it was interesting because i learned some things that probably will serve me in the future. I say that it was boring lessons because Davina who is my best teacher didn't teach us that day. Then we had an assembly where the people showed us what they had learned that week in classes like drama or things like that. After that we had the usual activities and that day i chose computers because i wanted to speak with my friends in Spain. That was my day!

The next day, Saturday, we had an excursion to Cambridge, and you an see a building of Cambridge in the left, and we were very happy because we could eat normal food, then we went on shopping and i bought a jumper for a friend in Spain that asked me for a jumper of Cambridge University. Then we went and bought some shoes and saw some shops and then we went to the bus again, but we had to wait a lot of time because a turkish boy get lost and he went to the police. The police brought him to the bus safely. After that we arrived at the school and we had dinner, (bad, like all the days), and then we had a ''disco'' but you cant really called it a disco, because it was like a children party. The day finished with the ''disco''.

And finally we get into sunday, it was suppose to be a relaxing day, but it wasnt, because i did a lot of exercise playing football for two hours, tennis for 1 hour and a half, and also i was in the swimigpool for 1hour and a half.

This was my last weekend.

Thursday 10 July 2008

a bad day

So the first day im going to tell you about is yesterday. We went to London to visit
the Tower of London. First of all we did a tour around a part of London. There was a guide who talked to us about some monuments and buildings, and some ghosts that always appear in those places. I think it was a boring tour. Then we went to visit the Tower of London, but before that we had lunch, and that was a terrible part of the day because i went to buy some food from a shop and a teacher shouted at me and lectured me about not being able to buy stuff. After that we went to visit the tower as i said before, and i think it was a little boring because i dont like learning about the war and things like that.
But the worse thing of the day is that it rained ALL day, without stopping, and all my clothes got wet.
So it is a day to forget.

Monday 7 July 2008

Getting to know me

Hi readers! I would like you to know a little bit about myself.

I am a seventeen year old boy from Spain and my name is Jaime Gutierrez. I live in the capital of Spain which it called Madrid. I have 5 people in my family, my father called Antonio and he is engineer, my mother called Carmen who works as a lawyer in Madrid, then i have a sister called Elvira who is 24 years and she has studied the law and now she is studying for a public examination. Finally i have a brother called Antonio who is 20 years and he is studying administration and direction of business.